Web page https://cvecaralilies.rs is an electronic store of the company
Company name: Roland Blumen d.o.o
Company headquarters: Jurija Gagarina 133b, Novi Beograd
Company Number: 20674172
Tax ID: 106755007
Owner: Roland Kokovai
Lilies Flower Store provides distance selling services.
In general terms of the contract we present the rules and terms of use the website and our services. In the text several main terms are used, which will be explained below in detail:
An order is obligatory relation of the seller (Lilies Flower Store) and a customer, that is, a person who ordered goods and obligated to pay for it.
A valid order is a situation in which a customer has already paid or is already obligated to pay for the goods and made all his/her data available, that is necessary for delivering, to the Lilies Flower Store.
A customer (purchaser) is a person, who ordered the goods form the Lilies Flower Store.
A recipient is a person, whom a customer chose to receive the flowers (a customer and a purchaser can be the same person, but it is not necessary to be the same person).
By visiting the web page https://cvecaralilies.rs or buying on the same web page you accept the General Terms of the Contract, which will be listed in this text. Before using the page and ordering the goods, we kindly ask you to carefully read the General Terms of the Contract and to get familiar with the rules. We reserve the right to change or supplement the General Terms of the Contract, without prior notice.
Electronic communication
Electronic communication is visiting the website https://cvecaralilies.rs or sending an e-mail to our address. By accepting the General Terms of the Contract you accept to communicate with us electronically as well. Our team will communicate with the customers via e-mails.
Taking an order
Lilies Flower Store is taking the orders via web store, by telephone or in writing, via electronic messages (e-mail or contact form on the website). When ordering, the customer is obligated to submit all necessary information for successful delivery. Information needs to be accurate. The necessary information for undisturbed and successful delivery is: name and surname of the recipient, accurate address, telephone number and other information if necessary.
Conversion statement
Payments are made in the official currency of the Republic of Serbia, that is, in dinars (RSD). If the prices are informatively presented in other currencies, the middle exchange rate of the NBS (National Bank of Serbia) on the day of publishing the prices would be used.
In case of payment in other currencies, the customer's card will be charged the amount, which is expressed in the customer's local currency, through conversion in the same currency at the course of the organization which issued the card, and which is not familiar to the Lilies Flower Store at the time of the transaction. The result of the conversion can be minimal difference between the amount charged and the price posted on our website. The authoritative price is that expressed in dinars. Thank you for your understanding!
Delivery terms and deadlines
Lilies Flower Store delivers the goods on an address, which the customer defined. There is a possibility that the customer defines desired delivery time, which Lilies Flower Store will respect, according to our possibilities. We deliver ordered flowers on home address within 24 hours. Same-day delivery is possible by arrangement. Our carriers are trying to deliver the flowers at the desired time, but we reserve the right to deviate from the desired delivery time +/- 30 minutes.
Lilies Flower Store delivers ordered flowers on the customer’s home address. A recipient can be, but does not have to be same as a buyer. Except recipient, the flowers can be taken over by another person as well, who is on the recipient's address, if he/she wants to. We notify the customer about the delivery (by phone or sms / e-mail). The customer is obligated to be available on telephone number he provided when ordering, so that our carrier can contact him/her in case of the problems with delivery.
If you order flowers to a person who is in an institution (school, hospital, office, hotel), please make sure to indicate the exact name of the institution and the address where it is located, room number, floor and all other important information. Delivery to these places is considered completed, if the flowers were received by the person in charge of receiving such good.
Delivery Execution
After the delivery is made, we notify the purchaser about the successful delivery of flower arrangement. Although our team is very successful in most cases, there are situations where the delivery is considered executed, even though it is not:
in case the recipient does not want to receive flowers,
in case the purchaser did not provide accurate information about the address and recipient,
if the recipient is not at the specified address at the time specified for delivery, and other persons present (households, family, neighbors) do not want to receive a flower arrangement,
if force majeure is present, which makes delivery impossible.
In these situations, we notify the purchaser, and if we cannot contact him/her within 30 minutes, we consider the delivery completed. If no one has taken over the arrangement, the purchaser can pick it up within 24 hours at his own expense.
Complaints and cancelation of orders (termination of a distance contract)
We accept complaints about delivered flower arrangements, only if they are notified within one hour from the moment of delivery.
We will accept complaints in the following cases:
if our flower store did not respect any part of the contract about the order,
if a delivery was made on a wrong address,
if a delivery was made to a wrong person.
If the omissions were caused by our fault, the flower store is obligated to correct the mistakes as soon as possible.
In case of cancellation of orders and accepted complaints, a refund is guaranteed. In case of cancellation of an order or return of the goods, the customer, who has paid the amount in full or partly with a payment card, can expect the Lilies Flower Store to make a refund via VISA, EC / MC and Maestro payment methods. At the seller's request, the bank shall make a refund to the customer’s account.
Products (flower arrangements)
Due to the seasonal nature of flowers and other herbal material used in the arrangements, Lilies Flower Store cannot guarantee that the appearance of the flower arrangement will be identical in all details to that of the corresponding product image on the site. Lilies Flower Store strives to make the delivered arrangements as close as possible to the corresponding product image, but reserves the right to replace one or more components in the arrangement, in the interest of the recipient, but in a way that the arrangement retains the style and quality corresponding to the arrangement description.
Lilies Flower Store reserves the right to replace the flowers in full bloom from the pictures with flowers in the bud stage, which will extend the duration of the arrangement.
Additional warnings:
A customer should be aware that he is ordering a "live" product, that is, flowers, therefore, despite the guarantee of the use of herbal material of the best quality, Lilies Flower Store cannot guarantee the duration of the freshness of the arrangement. It depends on the transience of the flower itself, but also on the care which a recipient provides to the flower arrangement.
Certain types of flowers and supplementary leaves can be toxic and lead to the skin rashes. Such products should be kept out of the reach of children and persons with sensitive skin. It is recommended to wash your hands after contact with the arrangement. The pollen from some flower species can leave permanent stains on textiles. One should be careful not to allow such flowers to come into contact with clothing or furniture.
It is not recommended to leave the arrangements near lighted candles, electrical appliances and radiators. It is recommended to use a protective material (for example a saucer) between the flower pot and the surface on which it stands.
Some arrangements also contain decorative elements. Neither flowers nor these decorative elements are intended for eating.
Statement of protection, way of collection and use of personal data
Lilies Flower Store is obligated to protect the privacy of its customers and users.
The data submitted for the purpose of successful delivery of the product are used exclusively for that purpose and are not shared to third parties. User data is strictly kept and is not available to the persons outside the Lilies Flower Store. Only our employees have access to the data, who can use it exclusively for the purpose of successfully providing quality service. All our employees and business partners are obligated to respect the privacy policy.
By using our website and our services, a customer agrees to the collection of his/her data and their use for the abovementioned purposes. If the user does not agree with any part of this statement or does not want his/her data to be used for the above purposes, the user should not use the website and services of Lilies Flower Store.
Privacy protection
Lilies Flower Store is obligated to protect the privacy of the customers and, accordingly, to collect and store only the data necessary to provide quality service, business and information to customers, in accordance with business practices. The customers have a choice, including the possibility to delete themselves from the mailing list, which is used to deliver marketing offers.
Transaction data protection
When entering customer payment card data, confidential information is transmitted in encrypted form via public network, using PKI systems and SSL protocols, currently the most modern cryptographic techniques. The security of customer data at the time of purchase is guaranteed by the payment cards processors, therefore the billing process is performed on the banks' website. Payment card data is never available to the Lilies Flower Store system.
When using the site and services of Lilies Flower Store or communication by phone and e-mail, it is assumed that the user has read the stated terms and that he fully agrees with them.