Women's Day

Women's Day

International Women’s Day is a day of expression of respect for women, which has been held every year since March 8, 1917. The United Nations also considers International Women's Day to be World Day. Women’s Day was originally a demonstration day for the labor movement, militancy, women’s equality and free labor, unlike today’s flowery, fond commemoration. In 1857, forty thousand textile and clothing workers went on strike in New York for equal pay and reduced working hours. . With the development of the international labor movement, the issue of women's emancipation came to the fore. Between 3 and 8 September 1866, the First Congress of the First International (officially the International Workers' Union) passed a resolution. This decision sought to put an end to the millennial stereotype that women’s place is exclusively at home. In her address to the International Assembly, Clara Zetkin proclaimed the right of women to work, the protection of mothers and children, and the widespread participation of women in national and international events. In 1975, which was declared the International Year of Women, the United Nations officially began celebrating International Women’s Day. In the meantime, institutions such as maternity leave, restrictions on women's work in the third (night) shift, equal pay for the same work, democratic suffrage and much more have been introduced.

Switzerland last introduced women's suffrage in Europe (1972).

Today, many organizations around the world celebrate International Women’s Day with demonstrations, performances and actions to promote equality and further promote women and human rights. And some try to make it a national holiday in a country where it doesn’t already exist.

Women's Day continues to be a national holiday in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan and other countries.
Today, in many countries, women usually receive flowers with a greeting card.
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