

Garden hyacinth or oriental hyacinth is one of the most popular bulbous perennials. He is a native of parts of southwest Asia, Lebanon, Turkey and Syria. It later spread to France, where it is also used to make perfumes because of its delicate scent.
They can boast several colors, from shades of pink to yellow, blue and purple.
Care and planting:
It can be planted anywhere except in full shade. It prefers soils with good drainage. In excessively moist soil, onions can be damaged and rot.
The most suitable period for planting is October. Since hyacinth bulbs are very toxic when planting, use gloves.
The ideal planting depth is 10-15 cm, and the distance is 15 cm. No watering is required during planting.
Recently, potted hyacinth has become very widespread and popular, so we can enjoy its gorgeous color and scent in our home at any time.
True, they are not long-lived, but after they bloom, we can plant them in the garden, where with proper care they can bloom for years.
Regular watering is important. It is best to water from below, so that the soil can absorb moisture from the bed under the pot.
After flowering, the leaves and stems also begin to turn yellow. Wait until completely dry before cutting.
Hyacinth is considered a symbol of sports, games, raids, and is also called the flower of Apollo.
It has become a popular gift for Women's Day, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.

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