The product can be placed in the basket by one simple click on the basket icon near the price of the product. Another option is to open the product page by clicking on the product itself. The product page has the option Into the Basket to allow you to add the product, and you can also modify desired quantity. To buy our products your registration is not mandatory. After you placed the products into the basket, you can continue to select other items, or to switch to the order.
When you complete your purchase by clicking the Order field, you can take a look at the basket content. Here you will get information about selected products, delivery price and, if needed, you can delete any of selected products, to modify quantities or to enter the code of coupon. You can also check your basket when click on the basket icon in the upper right corner of the page.
After you have clicked on the field Upgrade and Order, you can leave your personal data and information for delivery, to select payment option or to request the bill for your company account. In case that you have registered earlier, your data will pop up in the fields necessary for the purchase and you can change or modify your data here. After you have entered all data and accepted general terms of use, you can finalize your order by one simple click on the field Order.